Greetings and welcome to Page Turners, a weekly Wednesday linky, where I feature great blog posts I have read (and sometimes that I have written). Hopefully you will find ideas that inspire you in your classroom and your teaching and maybe even a new blog to follow. Read down to the end of the post for directions if you are interested in linking up a post of your own.
And now on to this week's topic: end of the school year projects and activities. As you wind down the year, maybe you are looking for one or a few great last activities to do with students. Look no further than the posts below.
Guest blogger Jill Christensen shared this end of the year project with Getting Nerdy with Mel and Gerdy. Students create a scrapbook after reading a biography on a person of choice. This project involves all of the disciplines with different subject area teachers supervising different pages of the book.
Caitlin Tucker shares this project idea, creating a soundtrack for Romeo & Juliet, on her blog. Students pair songs with scenes from the play providing lines from the play and lyrics to support their choices. She provides a free download of the project handout plus some extra credit ideas. I am trying something similar with my students as we finish up Monster by Walter Dean Myers.
Julie Faulkner of Faulkner's Fast Five shares ideas about hosting a literary themed party, specially a Gatsby party. After doing a close reading of the party scene in the text, students make decisions on how to adapt that party to the classroom. Julie lists a few other texts/possible party scenes as well. Work hard, play hard right?
AP Lit Help offers three ideas on what to do after the test is over, whether it is the AP test, the class final, or any other kind of culminating exam. My favorite idea is the “Toast, Roast, Gift & Grub” Banquet. Students choose a favorite character/author to toast, a least favorite charter/author to roast, a character/author to give a gift to, and food to share with a connection to a text from the year. This would be a great way to review all of the texts read in a fun, yet meaningful way.
Another idea from Caitlin Tucker's blog, having students write a letter to their future self. While that is not a new idea, she shares a website that allows students to write and send a future email to themselves. Woah technology.
And just posted yesterday, check out this blog post and freebie for creating a literary theme park. Students will love designing an amusement park based on a recent or favorite text from the year. It's also a great way to tie in review of literary elements.
Be sure to check out the posts linked up below. Page Turners will be going on summer vacation, but will return in August. Leave suggestions for topics for next school year in the comments.
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