January 18, 2019

Working Smarter, Not Harder in the ELA Classroom

The start of the school year isn't the only time to set goals. After the new year is the perfect time to refocus your vision for your classroom. This #2ndaryELA Twitter chat was all about teachers goals and focus for the second half of the school year. Middle school and high school English Language Arts teachers discussed ways to work smarter, not harder. Teachers also shared .creative activities and projects for other teachers to try out. Read through the chat for ideas to implement in your own classroom.
This #2ndaryELA Twitter chat was all about teachers' goals and focus for the second half of the school year. Middle school and high school English Language Arts teachers discussed ways to work smarter, not harder. Teachers also shared .creative activities and projects for other teachers to try out.

Read through the chat below to find out about new tech tools used successfully in the ELA classroom. You'll get ideas about strategies to use in and out of school to avoid burning out before the year ends.

Hope you'll join us next week for another chat. We'd also love for you to join our 2ndaryELA Facebook group (even if you aren't on Twitter). 2ndaryELA is a group of middle and high school English Language Arts teachers looking to share ideas and best practices. This group is an extension of our Twitter chat and a place for collaboration, questions, and encouragement. Feel free to post teaching ideas, success stories, links, photos, etc. that will enhance our instruction.

The start of the school year isn't the only time to set goals. After the new year is the perfect time to refocus your vision for your classroom. This #2ndaryELA Twitter chat was all about teachers goals and focus for the second half of the school year. Middle school and high school English Language Arts teachers discussed ways to work smarter, not harder. Teachers also shared .creative activities and projects for other teachers to try out. Read through the chat for ideas to implement in your own classroom.

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